Wentzel van Huyssteen
J. Wentzel van Huyssteen, originally from South Africa, moved to the United
States of America on January 1, 1992 to become Princeton Theological Seminary's
first James I. McCord Professor of Theology and Science. He has research
degrees in Philosophy (MA: University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) and
Philosophical Theology (Ph.D: Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
and has specialized in philosophy of science and religious epistemology. Van
Huyssteen is married to Hester van Huyssteen and they have four children.
J. Wentzel van Huyssteen was Head of the Department of Religion at the
University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, from 1972 through 1991.
During this time he published numerous articles and several books. One of
these, Theology and the Justification of Faith: Constructing Theories in
Systematic Theology (Wm. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids 1989), was awarded the Andrew
Murray Prize and also the Venter Prize for Academic Excellence. J. Wentzel van
Huyssteen has read numerous papers and lectured widely, not only in the USA,
Canada and South Africa, but also in Poland, Denmark, The Netherlands, England,
Scotland, Switzerland, Germany and Italy. He is also a member of several
national and international academic societies, and has been a member of the
Steering Committee of the Theology and Science Section of the American Academy
of Religion since 1992.
Since moving to Princeton in 1992, J. Wentzel van Huyssteen has won three
Templeton Awards: for his Inaugural Address Theology and Science: The
Quest for a New Apologetics, and for two new courses he initiated at Princeton
Theological Seminary, Theology and the New Physics and Theology and the Challenge
of Darwinism. At Princeton Theological Seminary van Huyssteen
lectures in philosophical theology (and specifically on Theology and Science
Issues) on a full-time basis. His special field of interest is religious and
scientific epistemology, and Wm. Eerdmans Publishing Co. has published his
latest books, Essays in Postfoundationalist Theology (July 1997), Rethinking
Theology and Science: Six Models for the Current Discussion (edited with
Niels H. Gregersen; July 1998), and most recently a major new work The Shaping
of Rationality: Towards Interdisciplinarity in Theology and Science (July
In January 1998 J. Wentzel van Huyssteen gave the John Albert Hall Lectures
at the University of Victoria (British Columbia). This lecture series, with the
title Duet of Duel? Theology and Science in a Postmodern World, was published
in book form in September 1998 by Trinity International Press in the USA and
SCM Press in London. Three of Van Huyssteen's most recent books, Essays in
Postfoundationalist Theology (1997), Rethinking Theology and Science
(1998, with Niels H. Gregersen), and Duet or Duel? Theology and Science in a
Postmodern World (1998), were all nominated for the Templeton Awards for
Outstanding Books in Theology and the Natural Sciences.
In January 1999 the Dutch Royal Academy for Arts and Sciences invited
Wentzel van Huyssteen to become the Chair of the International Committee for
the Assessment of Theological Research in The Netherlands. Most recently
- in September 2000 - Professor van Huyssteen was appointed to the Worldwide
Board of Advisors of the John Templeton Foundation. In November 2000, Dr.
van Huyssteen accepted an invitation by MacMillan Publishers, New York, to
become Editor-in-Chief in the new Encyclopedia for Religion and Science,
to be published in March 2003.
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