Quantum-Based Proposals on Divine Action
The best way to compare theories of divine
action in detail is to ask - what, for each theory, is the causal joint at
which God - as a transcendent, immaterial world cause - interacts particularly
with causative factors in the material world?
One important approach to asserting
particular providence through gaps in the causal order is to follow a
suggestion first made by Pollard in 1958 and locate theologically-productive
indeterminacy at the quantum level, rather than at the macroscopic level. This
has the advantage that there is more general (though not universal) agreement
that these systems are genuinely non-deterministic
(see Shaking the Foundations: the implications of quantum theory).
So Thomas Tracy gives the following five
types of divine agency, in addition to the initial creation:
- God acts directly in every event to sustain the existence of
each entity that has a part in it. [Conservation]
- God can act directly to determine various events which occur
by chance on the finite level. [Quantum-level
- God acts indirectly through causal chains that extend from
Gods initiating direct actions. [Amplification
of effects at quantum level]
- God acts indirectly in and through the free acts of persons
whose choices have been shaped by the rest of Gods activity in the
world. [Persuasion (presumably
a function of 2. and 3.)]
- God can also act directly to bring about events that exceed
the natural powers of creatures, events which not only are undetermined on
the finite level, but which also fall outside the prevailing patterns and
regular structures of the natural order [Miracles - on these see also the question of miracle]
![The Tracy quotations and the basis of the titles of these different aspects of divine action are taken from Clayton, P, God and Contemporary Science [Edinburgh: Edinburgh Academic Press, 1997] p215](../stdart/fn.gif)
(The Tracy quotations and the basis of the
titles are taken from Clayton 1997:215)
It is an interesting exercise to compare
this list with the one given in An Introduction to
Divine Action: Isaac Newtons God. Note Philip Claytons comment: all but
the last of these five can be accepted without affront to natural law.
This seems at first sight a very promising
way to combine the Christian belief in divine action with modern scientific
perceptions of the world. But see criticisms
of quantum-based proposals on divine action.
link | Feedback | Contributed by: Dr.
Christopher Southgate
Source: God, Humanity and the
Cosmos (T&T Clark, 1999)