Calvin DeWitt and the Evangelical Approach to Environmental Ethics
DeWitt represents one of the best, most thoughtful evangelical Christian
perspectives on environmental ethics.
This perspective emphasizes the primacy of scripture as formative for
Christian environmental ethics. Yet,
DeWitt is also a serious environmental scientist, with a unique ability to
bridge the gap between religion and science.
DeWitt's emphasis on the physical and chemical provisions of life
exemplify his commitment to a vibrant science and religion dialogue that
includes both biblical wisdom and also the discoveries of modern science.
bases his environmental ethics on the understanding of God as ultimate provider
and caregiver. The fundamental
understanding of humans is the imago dei; that is, humans are created
"in the image" of God (imago
Dei). DeWitt sees the proper human
stance toward the natural world as one of deep stewardship and respect for all
that is given to us. In his book, Earthwise, DeWitt lays out what he
sees as the seven primary provisions of creation that we should recognize:
energy exchange, soil building, carbon and hydrological cycling, water
purification, creative fruitfulness, global circulations of water and air, and
the human ability to learn from creation. On the other side of these primary
provisions of creation, DeWitt identifies seven degradations of creation, which
arise from human failure to respect and uphold the integrity of creation: land
conversion and habitat destruction, species extinctions, land abuse, resource
conversion and wastes and hazards production, global toxification, alteration
of planetary energy exchange, and human and cultural abuse. According to DeWitt, "all of the above degradations are contrary to
biblical teaching. While we are expected to enjoy the creation and its
fruitfulness, we humans are not granted license to destroy the earth. While
human beings are expected to be fruitful, so is the rest of creation: 'Let the
water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the
expanse of the sky. . .be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in
the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth' (Genesis 1:20, 22)." Perhaps DeWitt's most pragmatic, and so
easily overlooked, insight for us today is that all the things we use, all the
things we make, everything we manipulate, everything we accumulate, derives
from the creation itself. If we learn to seek godly contentment as our great
gain, we will take and shape less of God's earth. We will demand less from the
land. We will leave room for the other creatures.
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| Contributed by: Richard Randolph and Jeremy Yunt