Part 2: What Happens Next - Implications for TheologyIn this lecture I speculate on how science may evolve in the future to close
more gaps in our understanding of the world, and the theological implications of
a future where science can give a more complete account of nature, life, and personhood.
It is not necessary to view lecture one before this one.
- A simplistic science does not capture all phenomena equally well
- Much of the world is dynamical, and has emergent properties
- Where science is probably heading: emergence and dynamical systems
- Terrence Deacon at UCB
- Implications for Theology
- Implications for the concept of Nature
- Implications for the concept of Personhood
- Implications for the concept of Creation
- Slicing it differently: Before, with gaps
- Slicing it differently: After, seamless.
- Conclusion
- Q&A