1. Maddox Bibliography Topic: 5. Contemporary Cosmology and Creatio ex Nihilo
eds. The Church
and Contemporary Cosmology . Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University
Press, 1990.
Russell, Robert John. Cosmology: From Alpha to Omega .
Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2008.
Worthing, Mark William. God,
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2. General Term: Contemporary Cosmology
Contemporary Cosmology The study of the structure, spacetime relationships, and origin of the
universe that unites the tools of astronomy and quantum theory .
Related Topics:
by: Dr.
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3. Physics Topic: Big Bang Cosmology and Creation Theology
Big Bang Cosmology and Creation Theology
How best might we relate cosmology and theology? Many today
urge that we take the beginning of the universe at "t=0"
as direct support of the creation of the world as described
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4. Resources: Bibliography for Russell on Cosmology
Bibliography for Russell on Cosmology
C. J. Isham and J.
C. Polkinghorne , "The Debate over the Block Universe ," in Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature , op.
Max Jammer, The Philosophy of Quantum
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5. Maddox Bibliography Topic: 3. Contemporary Physics and Divine Action / Provi...
3. Contemporary Physics and Divine Action / Providence
Clayton , Philip. God and Contemporary Science .
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998.
Hilgevoord, Jan. Physics and Our View of the World .
New York: Cambridge
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6. Physics Topic: Physics and Cosmology: Topic Index
derived from contemporary physics and cosmology
hint at the profound beauty, mystery and enticement of our universe
and beckon us to explore the latest results of research science.
At the same time, many people today - and I am
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7. Intro Topic: Cosmology
theory is a major goal of contemporary theoretical physics, and
it is this which Hawking has famously linked to "the mind of God".
Perhaps more than any other science, cosmology is a case where one can either
see God reflected in the
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8. God, Humanity and the Cosmos Topic: Big Bang Cosmology and Theology
and the growth of quantum cosmology - in particular the
Hawking -Hartle proposal for the early universe. An important element in the
contemporary science-and-religion debate is that of theological responses to
quantum cosmology .
The universe
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9. Maddox Bibliography Topic: 4. Contemporary Evolutionary Biology and Divine A...
4. Contemporary Evolutionary Biology and Divine Action / Providence
Berry, R. J. Gods Books of Works: The Nature and
Theology of Nature . Edinburgh: T&T Clark , 2003.
Denton, Michael. Natures Destiny: How
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10. Maddox Bibliography Topic: 7. Cosmology and Eschatology
of Immortality: Modern
Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Body . Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1994.
Wilkinson, David. Christian Eschatology and the
Physical Universe . New York: T&T Clark , 2008.
Worthing, Mark
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