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Xenotransplantation and its Associated Safety and Ethical Issues

Mary E. White-Scharf. Vice President of Research, Biotransplant, Inc.

Glossary: endogenous

Xenotransplantation, Safety and Ethical Issues

  • Xenotransplantation: Transplantation of tissue from one species to another
  • Allotransplantation: Transplantation of tissue from one individual to another within a given species

Types of Xenotransplantation

  • Cell Transplants
    Fetal neural
  • Ex vivo Organ Assist
  • Solid Organ Transplants

Non-human Primates as Donors

Breeding Issues

  • Long gestation period
  • Single births
  • Lack of controlled environment

Ethical Issues

  • Non-human primates are genetically more closely related to humans

Potential Health Risks

Regulatory Update

  • FDA Issued Guidelines for Comments in April 1999: Guidance for Industry – Public Health Issues Posed by the Use of Non-human Primate Xenografts in Humans”

    Non-human primate donors for xenotransplantation cannot be proposed for clinical use until scientific research and evaluation can identify risks associated with such transplant protocols.

Pigs as Organ Donors

Breeding Issues

  • Short gestation period
  • Born in litters
  • Barrier facilities established

Ethical Issues

  • Over 93 million pigs per year in the US are slaughtered for food

Potential Health Risks

  • Exogenous viruses: eliminated by raising in barrier facilities
  • Endogenous retroviruses: no pathogens identified

Advantage of Inbred Miniature Swine

  • MHC Inbred and Recombinant Lines are Available
  • Twenty-five Years of Breeding and Medical History
  • Physiology Similar to that of Humans
  • Transplantation Technology Available Including Species Specific Cytokines and Antibody Reagents
  • Model Consistent with Clinical Findings

Scientific Issues Associated with Xenotransplantation

Two Major Hurdles

  • Humans have naturally occurring antibodies which react with carbohydrates on the surface of pig cells
  • The human immune response to xenogeneic tissue is very strong and difficult to manage

Major Scientific Approaches to Achieving Xenotransplantation

  • Develop Specific Immune Tolerance
  • Genetically Engineer Pigs

Ethical Issues Associated with Xenotransplantation

Potential Health Risks

  • Risks to the Patient
  • Risks to Society

Risks to the Patient

  • Allotransplants
    HIV, Hepatitis, CMV
  • Xenotransplants
    PERVs, unknown viruses

Risks to Society

  • Potential for Recombination Among Pig and Human Retroviruses to Form Pathogenic, Infectious Strains
  • Potential for Emergence of Unknown Zoonosis

What Can Be Done to Manage Risks?

  • Identify and Characterize PERVs
  • Develop Assays to Monitor Infection
  • Acquire and Test Samples
    From individuals with long-term exposure to pigs or pig products, such as pig farmers
    From burn patients who had pig skin transplants
  • Perform Carefully Controlled and Well Monitored Clinical Studies in a Limited Number of Individuals

Email link | Feedback | Contributed by: Boston University. Video adapted from the Issues for the Millennium Workshop

Topic Sets Available

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