God and Creation: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives on Big Bang Cosmology - Index
Robert Russell,
Jim Donahue, Munir Jiwa, Naomi Seidman
Introductory Remarks:
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Dr. William
Stoeger SJ, Vatican Observatory
An Introduction to Big Bang Cosmology:
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Dr. Alnoor Dhanani,
Tufts University
Cosmology and Islam:
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Dr. William
Stoeger SJ, Vatican Observatory
Cosmology and Christianity:
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Dr. Daniel Matt, University
Cosmology and Judaism:
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Drs. Matt, Dhanani,
Stoeger and Peters.
The Panel Discussion and Q&A:
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Dr. Robert
Russell, Dr. John Templeton
Celebrating CTNS's 30th Anniversary:
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This conference has a threefold purpose:
- To model a new form of interfaith
dialogue, one based on a "third party"/"shared interest", namely science. The
participants learn how each faith sees how the other faiths reflect on
particular topics in the natural sciences and thereby gain new and unique
perspectives on that faith as well as on their own.
- To model the unique strength of the
Graduate Theological Union (GTU): interfaith dialogue that is intrinsic to each
participating faith tradition and guided by mutual respect and by a true sense
of what can be learned from other faith traditions for one's own tradition.
- To expand the perception of the importance
of "theology and science" for the GTU community and the wider public.