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The Future

CTNS Resources

Eschatology, Immortality, and the Future of the Cosmos (Berkeley 2001)
Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics... (Bill Joy)
Physical Cosmology and Christian Eschatology: Consonance or Dissonance?
CTNS/Vatican Book Series: Eschatology

Other Resources

Introduction to Technology Issues
A Future with Constructive Dialogue Between Science and Religion?
A Theory of Everything
Faith in the Future: Religion, Aging and Healthcare in the 21st Century (24 topics)
Demystifying Information Technology... (Wyard, 6 topics)
Questions That Shape Our Future...

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Robert Russell on Physical Cosmology and Christian Eschatology: Consonance or Dissonance?

Methodology: Can/Should Science Contribute to Eschatology?

Big Bang Cosmology and the Empty Tomb