Karen Lebacqz
Dr. Lebacqz has been on the Pacific School of Religion faculty for over 30
years. Her life-long commitment to issues of social justice takes shape in
three primary areas of writing and teaching: professional ethics, bioethics
(especially questions around genetics and the Human Genome Project), and
ethical theory (particularly justice and questions of method in ethics). Her
publications include more than six books, among them Justice in An Unjust
World, Sex in the Parish, and the recent Ethics and Spiritual
Care co-authored with PSR Associate Professor Joseph D. Driskill. Her
dozens of essays in bioethics, feminist ethics, and sexual ethics have been
published in scientific journals, church magazines, and international contexts.
Dr. Lebacqz has served on the National Commission for the Protection of
Human Subjects; as a consultant to the Director of Health for the State of
California; as a member of the ELSI-based Genome Project at the Graduate
Theological Union's Center for Theology and Natural Sciences; as chair of the
Ethics Advisory Board of Geron Corporation; and on other policy-making boards
and bodies. A former President of the Society of Christian Ethics, she recently
received an honorary doctorate from Uppsala University in Sweden.
Ordained in the United Church of Christ (UCC), Dr. Lebacqz is a member of
Mira Vista United Church of Christ in El Cerrito, California and has served as
seminary representative to the Justice and Witness Ministries board of the UCC
as well as on several other national task forces for her denomination. Her
denominational affiliation is embodied in a constant search for what difference
it makes to do ethics as a Christian from a liberal tradition that seeks to be
respectful of a wide range of other traditions. In addition to her commitment
to training future clergy, Dr. Lebacqz is very active in the Graduate
Theological Union doctoral program. She currently resides in Mendocino on the
north coast of California, and is active in Evergreen United Methodist Church
in Fort Bragg. She serves on the ethics committee of Mendocino Coast District
During fall semester 2002, Dr. Lebacqz is teaching a new course on Ethics
and Leadership, combining her long-term interest in professional ethics with
the expertise of Jim Donahue, President of the Graduate Theological Union, on
organizational ethics.
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