Antonio Damasio
Antonio R. Damasio, M.D. Ph.D is M.W. Van
Allen Professor and Head of Neurology, University
of Iowa . He completed his medical
degree and doctorate at the University of Lisbon School in Portugal
and was a research fellow at the Aphasia
Research Center in
Boston . He has won many honors and
awards, including the Arnold Pfeffer Prize (2002), the Reenpaa Prize in
Neuroscience (2000), and was elected to the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences (1997)
and the Neurosciences Research Program (1997). His research interests include
neurobiology of the mind, specifically the understanding of the neural systems
that sub serve memory, language, emotion, and decision-making; his clinical
interests focus on disorders of behavior and cognition, and movement disorders.
Selected Bibliography
Damasio, Antonio R. Looking for
Spinoza. Harcourt: 2003.
Damasio, Antonio R. The Feeling of What
Happens. Harvest Books: 2000.
Demasio, Antonio R. Descartes' Error: Emotion,
Reason and the Human Brain. Avon Books: 1995.
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