David Byers
David M. Byers (Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota, 1973) has served the Catholic Church in the areas of
missions, evangelization, religion and science, and ministry with handicapped
people for over twenty years. He was at the Research Center of the
Glenmary Home Missioners from 1973-78, before moving to the National Conference
of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) in Washington, D.C.
With respect to science and religion,
Dr. Byers serves as Executive Director of the bishops* Committee on Science and
Human Values, which conducts regular dialogues with members of the U.S.
scientific community. The committee has produced a series of popular-level
pamphlets, including Science and the Catholic Church. Dr. Byers is a member of
the Executive Committee of the Advisory Committee to the Program of Dialogue of
Science, Ethics and Religion of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS). Dr. Byers Religion, Science, and the Search for Wisdom
appeared in 1987. He has also contributed many book chapters and articles on
religion/science dialogue or topics in religion and science. Recent
publications include Religion and Science: The Emerging Dialogue,
America, April 1996; An Absence of Love in Human Cloning: Religious
Responses (Westminster/John Knox Press, 1997); and All on the Same Side:
Reflections on Dialogue between Science and Religion in Perspectives on
Genetic Patenting: Religion, Science and Industry in Dialogue (AAAS, 1999).
A revised version of the last-named article will appear in an upcoming issue of
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science.
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