Brent Waters
Brent Waters is Director of the Center for Ethics and Values
and Assistant Professor of Christian Social Ethics at Garrett-Evangelical
Theological Seminary in Evanston, Ill. An ordained minister in the United
Church of Christ, Waters has published extensively in the areas of ethics,
religion and science. He is the author of Reproductive Technology: Towards a
Theology of Procreative Stewardship (2001) and co-author of Pastoral
Genetics: Theology and Care at the Beginning of Life (1996).
A past president of the Society of Christian Ethics, Waters is also
affiliated with the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, the Center for
Theology and the Natural Sciences and the Association for Practical and
Professional Ethics. A past president of the Society of Christian Ethics,
Waters is also affiliated with the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, the
Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences and the Association for Practical
and Professional Ethics.
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