Kuruvilla Pandikattu
Kuruvilla Pandikattu (b. 1957 in Kerala, India)
teaches science, philosophy and religion at Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune,
India. He has three Master's Degrees and two doctorates, both from the
University of Innsbruck.
He has won Templeton Course Award (1998), Development
Grand Award (1999) and is the director of Jnanam, a Local Society's
Initiative. Three of his articles have won special awards from CTNS and
Templeton Foundation. He is a founding member of Association of Science,
Society and Religion, the first of its kind in India. He is a catholic Priest
and a member of the Society of Jesus.
His areas of specialisation is dialogue between science and
religion and between religion and hermeneutics. Among his numerous books are:
Dialogue as Way of Life, Idols to Die, Symbols to Live, It's Time! Science,
Religion and Philosophy on Time; Tamas [There Are Many Alternative Stories],
scientist@religion.com; Promises of Life. He has edited seven books, including
Hopefully Yours, Meaning of Mahatma for the Millennium, Human Longing and
Fulfilment. He has written more than thirty scholarly articles. He had a
regular column in the local newspapers on science and religion. He is the
secretary to two scholarly journals.
He has organised five international conferences and seven
national ones and is regularly invited for conferences and symposia in the area
of science and religion and has participated more than twenty
international conferences. He is a visiting professor in many universities and
colleges. He is an active member of various learned associations and societies
related to science, religion and philosophy.
His current projects include: Search for Physical
immortality and its implications, Towards a Viable Life Style, The Story of
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