Appendix I: Working Group Members

Andrea L. Bonnicksen, Ph.D., is professor and former chair of the Department of Political Science at Northern Illinois University, where she teaches courses in biomedical and biotechnology policy. She publishes on issues related to reproductive and genetic technologies. Dr. Bonnicksen is a member of the Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

David M. Byers, Ph.D., is executive director of the Committee on Science and Human Values, National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Committee conducts dialogues with scientists on a wide variety of issues, bringing Catholic theology and moral thought into contact with advances in modern science and technology.

Courtney Campbell, Ph.D., is associate professor of Philosophy at Oregon State University, and the director of the Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment. He has written extensively on biomedical ethics, including papers for the National Bioethics Advisory Commission on human cloning and on research on human tissue. Dr. Campbell had previously been a research associate at The Hastings Center and was the editor of The Hastings Center Report.

Dena S. Davis, J.D., Ph.D. (Religious Studies), is associate professor at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. She writes frequently on issues of genetics and reproduction. In 1998-1999, she was a Visiting Scholar at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH). She is legal consultant to the Committee on Bioethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Abigail Rian Evans, M.Div, Ph.D., is Charlotte W. Newcombe professor of practical theology, and academic coordinator of field education at Princeton Theological Seminary. She specializes in bioethics and health ministries, and is especially concerned with recapturing the historic health and healing ministry of the early church. Her books Redeeming Marketplace Medicine and The Healing Church address a theologically based health care reform model, a subject she was involved in while serving on the Clinton Health Care Task Force. Since the 1980s she has done research and writing on genetics, especially concerning reproductive technologies. Dr. Evans is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Kevin T. FitzGerald, S.J., Ph.D., is a Research Associate in the Department of Medicine and the Medical Humanities Program at the Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago. His two principal research foci are the investigation of abnormal gene regulation in cancer and ethical issues in medical genetics. He is currently completing a second doctorate in bioethics. Father FitzGerald is a Roman Catholic priest and a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).

Norman Fost, M.D., M.P.H., is Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Program in Medical Ethics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine. There, he is chair of the Health Sciences Human Subjects Committee, the Institutional Review Board responsible for the stem cell research conducted by James Thomson. He also chairs the University’s Bioethics Advisory Committee. Dr. Fost is past chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics and was a member of the Clinton Health Care Task Force.

Robert Goldman, Ph.D., is the Stephen Walter Ranson Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University School of Medicine. His laboratory’s research focuses on the structure and function of intermediate filaments of cellular cytoskeletal systems that shape cells and allow them to carry out diverse physiological functions. Dr. Goldman is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of its Board of Directors. He has taught at the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory and is Co-Director of the Science Writing Fellowship Program there.

Robert A. Goldstein, Ph.D., M.D., currently serves as the Vice President for Research of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (JDF), and is responsible for planning and administration of their research funding programs aimed at finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes and its complications (in FY2000, JDF will fund more than $75 million in grants and training awards). Prior to joining JDF in 1997, he was Director, Division of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH).

David Gottlieb, Ph.D., is Professor of Neurobiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. About 5 years ago his research interests in brain development lead him to study ES cells as a potential model system. Together with colleagues at Washington University, he demonstrated that ES cells could be efficiently differentiated into neurons and glia. He is currently utilizing this system to explore mechanisms of neural differentiation and is part of a team investigating their application to spinal cord injury research.

Ronald M. Green, Ph.D., is the Eunice and Julian Cohen Professor for the Study of Ethics and Human Values in the Religion Department, Dartmouth College, and is the Director of Dartmouth’s Ethics Institute. In 1994, he was a member of the National Institutes of Health Human Embryo Research Panel. In 1996-97, he served, half time, as the founding director of the Office of Genome Ethics at NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute. Dr. Green has been president of the Society of Christian Ethics and is Secretary of the American Academy of Religion, the largest association of scholars of religion in the United States.

Daniel R. Marshak, Ph.D., is Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Osiris Therapeutics Inc., a biotechnology company in Baltimore, Maryland, specializing in adult stem cell products for Regenerative Medicine. He holds an appointment as Adjunct Associate Professor of Oncology and of Molecular Biology and Genetics at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Marshak currently serves on the Editorial Board of The Journal of Biological Chemistry and the Scientific Advisory Board of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation.

C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., is consultant on biomedical and life issues for the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religions Liberty Commission, the moral concerns, public policy, and religious liberty agency of the Southern Baptist Convention. He teaches bioethics and contemporary culture at Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. He has written widely in the area of bioethics and public policy, served on the AAAS working group on gene patenting, and is editor of the American Journal of Ethics & Medicine.

Daniel Perry is Executive Director of the not-for-profit Alliance for Aging Research in Washington, D.C. His organization promotes a broad agenda of medical and behavioral research for improving the health and independence of older Americans. He also chairs the Patients’ Coalition for Urgent Research (Patients’ CURe), an umbrella group of more than 30 national patient advocacy groups that works to project the concerns of patients and their families into public deliberations over stem cell research.

Robert Wachbroit, Ph.D., is a Research Scholar at the School of Public Affairs’ Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy at the University of Maryland. He is also Adjunct Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the University’s School of Medicine as well as a Senior Research Fellow at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University. From 1987 to 1991, he held a joint appointment with the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy and the Maryland Biotechnology Institute’s Center for Public Issues in Biotechnology.

Gillian R. Woollett, M.A., D.Phil., is Associate Vice President for Biologics and Biotechnology at the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). In addition to overseeing all activities concerning biologics and biotechnology, her responsibilities include staffing the PhRMA Biomedical Research Key Issue Team (a high level industry forum for the discussion of the promise, ethics, and impact of new DNA technologies in health care, among other topics). Dr. Woollett also has responsibility for representing the pharmaceutical industry internationally, for example, by contributing industry ideas to the development of the proposed Compliance Protocol to be added to the Biological Weapons Convention.


Laurie Zoloth, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Social Ethics and Jewish Philosophy and Chair of the Jewish Studies Program in the College of Humanities at San Francisco State University. She is on the national board of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities and is a member of the advisory committee for the Program of Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (AAAS). Dr. Zoloth is also a member of the Geron Ethics Advisory Board. Her most recent book is Health Care and the Ethics of Encounter: A Jewish Discussion of Social Justice, and she is co-editor with Dena S. Davis of Notes from a Narrow Ridge: Religion and Bioethics.

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