Counterbalance Foundation Privacy Policy

Counterbalance Foundation ("Counterbalance") is committed to protecting your online privacy when you visit our website. We do not collect and keep any personally identifiable information from you unless you volunteer it and you are 13 years of age or older. Please review the information below to familiarize yourself with our policies on website privacy.

Personal Information

When you visit our website, Counterbalance does not automatically collect any information that could personally identify you. Personal information includes your name, street address, email address, telephone number, fax number, billing information, credit card number and expiration date, and any other personally identifying information you may provide (collectively "Personal Information"). Your Personal Information is only collected when you voluntarily submit it, for example, when you request information from us.

In addition to the ways described elsewhere in this Privacy Policy or at the time information is requested, we may use Personal Information received from visitors to our website for any of the following purposes: (1) to confirm, process and fulfill member registration, subscription or product orders; (2) to award prizes; (3) to respond to specific requests; (4) to send email updates; (5) to obtain parental consent for visitors under thirteen (13) years of age, when necessary; or (6) to protect the security or integrity of our website when necessary.

Technical Information and Traffic Data

Each time you come to the Counterbalance website, our web server (like most on the web) collects some basic technical information, including your Internet Protocol address, the domain name of your Internet Service Provider, referral data (for example, the address of the last URL you were at before clicking through to our website), browser and platform type (collectively "Technical Information"). Counterbalance may use this Technical Information to improve our website and make it more responsive to our visitors (see "Cookies" below). The Technical Information provided by our server is not linked to any of your Personal Information.

We also count, track, and aggregate your activity on the website into our analysis of general traffic flows at the site, allowing us to identify broad demographics about who uses the Counterbalance website ("Traffic Data"). This Traffic Data is kept anonymously so that any such information does not personally identify you. We may share this Traffic Data with others, for example, in press releases regarding the number of visitors to our website.


A "cookie" is a small file stored on your computer by a website that assigns a numerical user ID and stores certain information about your online visit. We use cookies to help enhance your experience at our website. Cookies help us recognize you as a prior visitor and allow us to serve special features, which might be of interest to you. Most major websites use cookies for this purpose. Cookies, however, cannot tell who you are or where you are; therefore, we will not store any Personal Information about you using the cookies technology.

Counterbalance Forum

You should be aware that when you voluntarily disclose personal information in our forum this information might be seen and used by others.

Other Disclosure of Personal Information

By placing an order for a product, or service or signing up to participate in a promotion, you agree that we may share this information with the third party company directly involved in helping us complete the transaction and deliver the order or process and fulfill the promotion. We have contracted with these third parties to maintain the confidentiality and security of your information.

With your consent, we may also share your Personal Information with our affiliates, or outside companies that offer products or services that may be of interest. If and when we do share Personal Information with third parties, they must agree to maintain the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information.

Except for the circumstances described in this Privacy Policy, Counterbalance will not otherwise use or disclose your Personal Information to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or we in good faith believe that such action is necessary to (1) comply with the law or legal process; (2) protect and defend our rights and property; (3) protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the Counterbalance website, or (4) protect the personal safety or property of our users or the public.


Counterbalance uses reasonable security safeguards to protect the information obtained against unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure and stores such information on secure servers. However, due to computer hackers, electronic malfunctions, and other events, Counterbalance cannot guaranty that such safeguards will always protect such information.

Unsubscribe and Data Removal

If you would like to unsubscribe from any of the Counterbalance website services and features as described in this Privacy Policy, you can do so by sending an email to and identifying in the subject of your email the service from which you wish to unsubscribe. Counterbalance will remove your name from our database and the website service you designate.

Correction of Information

When necessary, you may correct or update any Personal Information that you have provided to us by contacting us at or by following the instructions listed on the emails you receive from us.

Your Consent

By accessing and using our website, you consent to the collection and use of information as set forth in this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy at any time and will post such revisions on our website. Please visit our website from time to time to check on such revisions. In the event you do not consent to these revisions, you may discontinue use of our website, or unsubscribe to our services or features.

Any Questions?

If you have any further questions about Counterbalance's Privacy Policy and use of Personal Information, please send them to or contact Counterbalance Foundation, Privacy Policy, Attn: Adrian Wyard, 2212 Queen Anne Ave. N, #522 Seattle, WA 98109 USA. +1(206) 718-7300.

Topic Sets Available

AAAS Report on Stem-Cells

AstroTheology: Religious Reflections on Extraterrestrial Life Forms

Agency: Human, Robotic and Divine
Becoming Human: Brain, Mind, Emergence
Big Bang Cosmology and Theology (GHC)
Cosmic Questions Interviews

Cosmos and Creator
Creativity, Spirituality and Computing Technologies
CTNS Content Home
Darwin: A Friend to Religion?
Demystifying Information Technology
Divine Action (GHC)
Dreams and Dreaming: Neuroscientific and Religious Visions'
E. Coli at the No Free Lunchroom
Engaging Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence: An Adventure in Astro-Ethics
Evangelical Atheism: a response to Richard Dawkins
Ecology and Christian Theology
Evolution: What Should We Teach Our Children in Our Schools?
Evolution and Providence
Evolution and Creation Survey
Evolution and Theology (GHC)
Evolution, Creation, and Semiotics

The Expelled Controversy
Faith and Reason: An Introduction
Faith in the Future: Religion, Aging, and Healthcare in the 21st Century

Francisco Ayala on Evolution

From Christian Passions to Scientific Emotions
Genetic Engineering and Food

Genetics and Ethics
Genetic Technologies - the Radical Revision of Human Existence and the Natural World

Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics
Getting Mind out of Meat
God and Creation: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on Big Bang Cosmology
God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion
God the Spirit - and Natural Science
Historical Examples of the Science and Religion Debate (GHC)
History of Creationism
Intelligent Design Coming Clean

Issues for the Millennium: Cloning and Genetic Technologies
Jean Vanier of L'Arche
Nano-Technology and Nano-ethics
Natural Science and Christian Theology - A Select Bibliography
Neuroscience and the Soul
Outlines of the Science and Religion Debate (GHC)

Perspectives on Evolution

Physics and Theology
Quantum Mechanics and Theology (GHC)
Questions that Shape Our Future
Reductionism (GHC)
Reintroducing Teleology Into Science
Science and Suffering

Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action (CTNS/Vatican Series)

Space Exploration and Positive Stewardship

Stem-Cell Debate: Ethical Questions
Stem-Cell Ethics: A Theological Brief

Stem-Cell Questions
Theistic Evolution: A Christian Alternative to Atheism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design...
Theology and Science: Current Issues and Future Directions
Unscientific America: How science illiteracy threatens our future
Will ET End Religion?

Current Stats: topics: >2600, links: >300,000, video: 200 hours.