Global Perspectives

Featured Topics

Science in Islamic History: Ancient and Modern
Bioethics and Islam
Science and Judaism
Interreligious Perspectives on Cloning and Genetic Technologies
How the World's Religions Interpret Evolution
The Rocks Shall Cry Out: Consciousness, Rocks, and American Indians
Indian Perspectives on Biotechnology


Science, Values and the Limits of Knowledge (Tokyo)
Science and the Three Monotheisms in the 21st Century, A New Partnership? (Granada)
God and Creation: Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Perspectives on Big Bang Cosmology... (7 topics)
Science, Technology and Values: Worldviews in Dialogue (India)
Indigenous Cosmology: Wali Feijo, Mona Tur and Bill Edwards (Australia)
African Culture, Modern Science, and Religious Thought (Nigeria)


Interfaith Dialogue
Munawar Anees
Anindita N. Balslev
Noah Efron
Carl Feit
Mehdi Golshani
Bruno Guiderdoni
Lawrence Kushner
Tsevi Mazeh
Trinh Xuan Thuan

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Indigenous Cosmology