Perspectives on Evolution - Index


Play Video William Grassie and Peter Dodson

Intoduction: Play

Play Video John Hedley Brooke - Oxford University

The Changing Relations of Science and Theology Play

Play Video John Hedley Brooke - Oxford University

Revisiting Darwin on Order and Design Play

Play Video Niles Eldredge - American Museum of Natural History

What Drives Evolution? Play

Play Video Niles Eldredge - American Museum of Natural History

Q&A Play

Play Video Michael Behe - Lehigh University

Intelligent Design: Play

Play Video Ken Miller - Brown University

Paley in a Test Tube: Play

Play Video William Dembski - Baylor University

Order and Design: Philosophical Issues: Play

Play Video Wesley Elsberry - Texas A&M

Order and Design: Philosophical Issues: Play

Play Video Eugenie Scott - The National Center for Science Education

Evolution, Religion and Public Science Education: Play

Play Video Warren Nord - University of Northern Carolina at Chapel Hill

Evolution, Religion and Public Science Education: Play

  Eugenie Scott and Warren Nord Q & A

Evolution, Religion and Public Science Education: Play

Play Video Ken Miller - Brown University

Darwin, God and the Human Genome: Play

Play Video Lawrence Sullivan - Harvard University

How the World's Religions Interpret Evolution: Play

Play Video Phil Hefner - Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary

The Created Co-Creator: Clues to the Ways of Providence: Play

Play Video Jeff Schloss - Westmont College

Altriusm in Evolution: Play

Play Video

Jack Haught - Georgetown University

God After Darwin: Play

  Michael Lodahl - Point Loma University

The Perceived Evils of Evolution and the Probable Problems for Providence: Play

Play Video Duane Gish - Institute for Creation Research

Scientific Creationism: Play

Play Video Stephen Meyer - Discovery Institute

Intelligent Design Theory: Play

Play Video Eugenie Scott - National Center for Science Education

Evolution: Play

Play Video Michael Ruse - University of Guelph

Darwinism: Play

Play Video Jeffrey Schloss - Westmont College

The Weight of the Evolution/Creation Controversy: Play

Play Video Robert Russell - Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences

Non-Interventionist Objective Special Providence: Play

Panel Discussion:

Play Video Stephen Meyer on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
Play Video Duane Gish on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
Play Video Eugenie Scott on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
  Stephen Meyer & Eugenie Scott on 'Intelligent Design'
Play Video Ted Peters on 'Intelligent Design' & Creationism
Play Video Duane Gish on Teaching Creationism
Play Video Stephen Meyer on 'Intelligent Design' & Natural Theology
Play Video Jeffrey Schloss on 'Intelligent Design' & Natural Theology
Play Video Michael Ruse on Teaching 'Intelligent Design'
Play Video Michael Ruse on the Fossil Record
Play Video Eugenie Scott on the Fossil Record
Play Video Jeffrey Schloss on the Fossil Record
Play Video Duane Gish on the Fossil Record
  Jeffrey Schloss & Duane Gish on Continental Drift
Play Video Stephen Meyer on the Fossil Record
Play Video Robert Russell on the Anthropic Principle & 'Intelligent Design'
  Duane Gish & Robert Russell on the Anthropic Principle
Play Video Stephen Meyer on Divine Intervention in Nature
  Eugenie Scott on the Origins Controversy
Play Video Eugenie Scott - Summary Comments
Play Video Jeffrey Schloss - Summary Comments
Play Video Michael Ruse - Summary Comments
Play Video Robert Russell - Summary Comments
Play Video Marty Maddox - Summary Comments
Play Video Duane Gish - Summary Comments
Play Video Stephen Meyer - Summary Comments

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Topic Sets Available

AAAS Report on Stem-Cells

AstroTheology: Religious Reflections on Extraterrestrial Life Forms

Agency: Human, Robotic and Divine
Becoming Human: Brain, Mind, Emergence
Big Bang Cosmology and Theology (GHC)
Cosmic Questions Interviews

Cosmos and Creator
Creativity, Spirituality and Computing Technologies
CTNS Content Home
Darwin: A Friend to Religion?
Demystifying Information Technology
Divine Action (GHC)
Dreams and Dreaming: Neuroscientific and Religious Visions'
E. Coli at the No Free Lunchroom
Engaging Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence: An Adventure in Astro-Ethics
Evangelical Atheism: a response to Richard Dawkins
Ecology and Christian Theology
Evolution: What Should We Teach Our Children in Our Schools?
Evolution and Providence
Evolution and Creation Survey
Evolution and Theology (GHC)
Evolution, Creation, and Semiotics

The Expelled Controversy
Faith and Reason: An Introduction
Faith in the Future: Religion, Aging, and Healthcare in the 21st Century

Francisco Ayala on Evolution

From Christian Passions to Scientific Emotions
Genetic Engineering and Food

Genetics and Ethics
Genetic Technologies - the Radical Revision of Human Existence and the Natural World

Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics
Getting Mind out of Meat
God and Creation: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on Big Bang Cosmology
God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion
God the Spirit - and Natural Science
Historical Examples of the Science and Religion Debate (GHC)
History of Creationism
Intelligent Design Coming Clean

Issues for the Millennium: Cloning and Genetic Technologies
Jean Vanier of L'Arche
Nano-Technology and Nano-ethics
Natural Science and Christian Theology - A Select Bibliography
Neuroscience and the Soul
Outlines of the Science and Religion Debate (GHC)

Perspectives on Evolution

Physics and Theology
Quantum Mechanics and Theology (GHC)
Questions that Shape Our Future
Reductionism (GHC)
Reintroducing Teleology Into Science
Science and Suffering

Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action (CTNS/Vatican Series)

Space Exploration and Positive Stewardship

Stem-Cell Debate: Ethical Questions
Stem-Cell Ethics: A Theological Brief

Stem-Cell Questions
Theistic Evolution: A Christian Alternative to Atheism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design...
Theology and Science: Current Issues and Future Directions
Unscientific America: How science illiteracy threatens our future
Will ET End Religion?

Current Stats: topics: >2600, links: >300,000, video: 200 hours.