Ongoing Dialog

Around America, and indeed around the world, the dialog between science and religion is taking place on many different fronts. There are now a dozen centers around the world devoted to this dialog. Leading centers include the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, situated at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA; the Chicago Center for Religion and Science (which also houses the editorial offices of "Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science"); The Center for Theological Inquiry at Princeton; and the Center for Faith and Science Exchange in Boston. Each of these centers regularly holds conferences and seminars about a wide range topics in science and religion studies. One major series of conferences is that co-hosted by the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences and the Vatican Observatory on the theme of "Divine Action". Another ongoing series is the Star Island Conferences, held each year on Star Island off the coast of Maine.

In North America there are also now several hundred college and university courses on the interaction between science and religion. The courses run the spectrum from specifically historical courses, to those dealing with the interface between evolution and religion, genetics and religion, ecology and religion, cosmology and religion. Given the emerging expertise in the field there is also an increasing number of books on all facets on the science/religion interface. Interested readers are invited to look at the site’s further reading" section.

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Ongoing Dialog

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See also:

The Relation of Science & Religion
Physics and Cosmology
Questions, Answers and Ongoing Dialogue
Science and the Spiritual Quest - Interviews
Dolly the Cloned Sheep
Egg Manipulation
Books on Science and Religion