The Relation of Science & Religion

Featured Topics

John Polkinghorne: The Friendship of Science and Religion
John Brooke - The Changing Relations Between Science and Theology
Famous Conflicts Between Science and Religion
The Caricature - Darwin v. Christianity
The Scopes ‘Monkey Trial’
The Separation of Science and Religion
Key Figures and Developments in the Science-Religion Debate
Typologies Relating Science and Religion
The Science of Sociobiology Critiques the Truth-Claims of Religion
Science, Religion and Values: Past Estrangement and Present Engagement 
Science in Islamic History: Ancient and Modern

Related Topic Sets

Faith and Reason: An Introduction (22 topics)
Science and the Three Monotheisms: A New Partnership?
Outlines of the Debate on Science and Religion
Theology and Science: Current Issues and Future Directions (R. Russell, 69 topics)
Cosmos and Creator... (Polkinghorne et al, 6 topics)
God and Creation: Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Perspectives on Big Bang Cosmology... (7 topics)


Play Video Science and Religion in Dialogue
Play Video The Faith of Scientists
Play Video What Religion Can Learn From Science
Play Video What Science Can Learn From Religion
Science and the Spiritual Quest

Other Resources

Books on Science and Religion

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Job Kozhamthadam on Science, Religion and Values: Past Estrangement and Present Engagement