Evolution and Providence (Berkeley 2000)

June 2000, Berkeley

Duane Gish - Presentation
Stephen Meyer - Presentation
Eugenie Scott - Presentation
Michael Ruse - Presentation
Jeffrey Schloss - Presentation
Robert Russell - Presentation
Meyer on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
Gish on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
Scott on 'Intelligent Design' and 'Creationism'
Meyer & Scott on 'Intelligent Design'
Peters on 'Intelligent Design' & Creationism
Gish on Teaching Creationism
Meyer on 'Intelligent Design' & Natural Theology
Schloss on 'Intelligent Design' & Natural Theology
Ruse on Teaching 'Intelligent Design'
Ruse on the Fossil Record
Scott on the Fossil Record
Schloss on the Fossil Record
Gish on the Fossil Record
Schloss & Gish on Continental Drift
Meyer on the Fossil Record
Russell on the Anthropic Principle & 'Intelligent Design'
Gish & Russell on the Anthropic Principle
Meyer on Divine Intervention in Nature
Scott on the Origins Controversy
Scott - Summary Comments
Schloss - Summary Comments
Ruse - Summary Comments
Russell - Summary Comments
Maddox - Summary Comments
Gish - Summary Comments
Meyer - Summary Comments
Phil Hefner - The Created Co-Creator
Jeff Schloss - Evolution and Altruism
Michael Lodahl - Presentation
Jack Haught - Presentation
Jack Haught and Francisco Ayala Q&A
Michael Ruse Presentation Q&A
Marty Maddox and Michael Ruse Q&A

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Jack Haught and Francisco Ayala Q&A