Steven Weinberg and John Polkinghorne

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Steven Weinberg and John Polkinghorne: An Exchange

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Question to Weinberg: What About Scientific 'Inspiration'?

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Question to Weinberg: What is the Point of Living in a Universe with no Purpose?

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Question to Polkinghorne: Can we Prove that God does not exit?

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Questions to Weinberg: On What Science Cannot Explain

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Question to Weinberg: On Believing in Multiple-Universes and Religious Faith

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Cosmic Questions

Was the Universe Designed? Topic Index
Steven Weinberg and John Polkinghorne: An Exchange

Complete Dialogue

Question to Weinberg: What About Scientific 'Inspiration'?
Question to Weinberg: What is the Point of Living in a Universe with no Purpose?
Question to Polkinghorne: Can we Prove that God does not Exist?
Question to Weinberg: On What Science Cannot Explain
Question to Weinberg: On Believing in Multiple Universes and Religious Faith


Steven Weinberg and John Polkinghorne

Related Media:

The Anthropic Principle
The Argument from Design
Did the Universe Have a Beginning?
Was the Universe Designed?
Are we Alone?
Interview Index
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Big Bang Cosmology and Theology
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