Part 2: What Happens Next - Implications for Theology

In this lecture I speculate on how science may evolve in the future to close more gaps in our understanding of the world, and the theological implications of a future where science can give a more complete account of nature, life, and personhood.

It is not necessary to view lecture one before this one.

  • A simplistic science does not capture all phenomena equally well
  • Much of the world is dynamical, and has emergent properties
  • Where science is probably heading: emergence and dynamical systems theories
  • Terrence Deacon at UCB
  • Implications for Theology
  • Implications for the concept of Nature
  • Implications for the concept of Personhood
  • Implications for the concept of Creation
  • Slicing it differently: Before, with gaps
  • Slicing it differently: After, seamless.
  • Conclusion
  • Q&A


Email link | Feedback | Contributed by: Adrian Wyard

Part 2: What Happens Next - Implications for Theology


Bridging the Gaps: Can Science and Theology Share a Common Vision of Nature, Life, and Personhood? - Index
Part 1: How We Got Here
Interview with Adrian Wyard
A Brief(er) Guide to How Emergence Will Change Science, and its relation to Religion


Presented at the Mercer University McAfee school of theology as the 2012 Ginn Lectures. Initially recorded for broadcast by AIBTV.

See also:

Physics and Cosmology
The Relation of Science & Religion
Purpose and Design
Was the Universe Designed?
Did the Universe Have a Beginning?
The Argument From Design
Cosmos and Creator
Books on Science and Religion