Barbara Smith-Moran

Barbara Smith-Moran

The Reverend Barbara Putney Smith-Moran, S.O.Sc was ordained to the diaconate in 1989; and to priesthood in, 1990 with the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A.

She is a life-professed member of the Society of Ordained Scientists (a dispersed preaching order of the Anglican Church).


  • Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, Lynchburg, Virginia ( B.A., chemistry, 1967 )
  • The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland ( M.A.T., chemistry, biology, 1969 )
  • Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts ( M.A., astronomy, 1974 )
  • Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts ( M.Div., theology/pastoral theology, 1989 )

Professional activities

2000 - 2002 Northeast Regional Director, Science & Religion Course Program, Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences

  • 1989 - 2000 Founding Director, New England Center for Faith and Science Exchange
  • 1990 - 1999 Founding Coordinator, Religion and Science Program, The Boston Theological Institute, the consortium of nine seminaries and divinity schools in the greater Boston area
  • 1997 - Senior Editor, The Journal of Faith and Science Exchange, Boston Theological Institute
  • 1990 - Parish Priest, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
  • 1990 - Retreat Director, spiritual retreat for scientists/engineers
  • 1989 - 95 Campus Chaplain, Lesley College, Cambridge; Director of Campus Ministry, Framingham State College
  • 1971 - 73 Research Assistant, Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 1967 - 97 Educator at the secondary school and adult level, physical sciences

Committees and Commissions


  • Episcopal Church Committee on Science, Technology and Faith (a committee of the Executive Council), Founder and Co-chair, 1997 -
  • Science and Spirit Resources, Inc., Board of Directors, Vice Chair, 1998 - 99; Chair, 1999 - 2000
  • John Templeton Foundation, Center for Humility Theology, Board of Advisors, 1993 - 96
  • Society of Ordained Scientists, North American Chapter Co-convener, 1993 - 98


  • Commission on Prophetic Ministries, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, 1989 - 99; Co-chair, 1997 - 99.
  • Faith and Genetics Working Group, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, Co-chair, 1997 -
  • New England Center for Faith and Science Exchange, Advisory Board, 200-2002; Executive Board, 2002 - ; Advisory Board for the Charles Townes Lectureship in Science and Religion, 2002 -


  • God and Science: Must We Choose, a curriculum for adult Christian education. Two invited chapters, “Science and Western Christianity” and “The Bible and Sciences.” The New England Center for Faith and Science Exchange. (Newton Centre, Mass.: B.T.I., 1995 ).
  • Soul at Work: Reflections on a Spirituality of Working, by Barbara Smith-Moran ( Winona, Wisc.: St. Mary’s Press, 1997 ).
  • Living in Nature: Religion & Science in Dialogue on the Environment, a 30-min. educational video. Produced by Rodney Petersen, Barbara Smith-Moran, and Susan Youmans (Newton Centre, Mass.: B.T.I., 1996; distributed by Island Press, Washington, D.C.).
  • F&SE Notices, volumes 1-10 ( 1989-99 ), a monthly newsletter for the science-and-religion field. Written/edited by Barbara Smith-Moran ( Newton Centre, Mass.: F&SE).
  • Human Genetic Enhancement: Proceedings from an Open Forum on Christian Concerns and the State of Technology, ed. by Barbara Smith-Moran (Newton Centre, Mass.: B.T.I, 1998).
  • Journal of Faith and Science Exchange, ( B.T.I., 1997- ), an annual publication. Ed. by Barbara Smith-Moran (Newton Centre, Mass.: B.T.I.).
  • Consumption, Population & the Environment, ed. by Audrey R. Chapman, Rodney L. Petersen, and Barbara Smith-Moran ( Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2000 ).
  • “The Evolutionary Past and Future of God,” invited chapter in God for the 21st Century, ed. by Russell Stannard. ( Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2000 ).

Image: Barbara Smith-Moran

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