Warren A Nord
Warren A. Nord works in the philosophy of the humanities, the philosophy of
religion, the philosophy of education (especially moral education), and the
relationship of religion and education. He is the author of two books: Religion
and American Education: Rethinking a National Dilemma (1995); and, with Charles
C. Haynes, Taking Religion Seriously Across the Curriculum (1998). He is also
the author of more than thirty book chapters and articles in scholarly and
professional journals, including The Humanities and the Modern Mind, in Mind,
Value, and Culture: Essays in Honor of E. M. Adams (1989); Teaching and
Morality: the Knowledge Most Worth Having, in What Teachers Need to Know
(1990); Religion and Multiculturalism, in The Politics of Multiculturalism
and Bilingual Education (1999); Science, Religion, and Education, in Religion
and Education (1999); Moral Disagreement, Moral Education, Common Ground,
in Education and Civil Society (2000); Liberal Education and Religious
Studies, in Religion, Education, and the American Experience (2002);
Intelligent Design Theory, Religion, and the Science Curriculum, in Darwinism,
Design, and Public Education (2003); and Liberal Education, Moral
Education, and Religion, in Moral Formation and the University
(forthcoming). For twenty-five years he served as Director of the Universitys
interdisciplinary Program in the Humanities and Human Values. Under their
auspices he edited The E. M. Adams Reader (2002) and published two longish
essays as booklets: An Introduction to the Life and Thought of E. M. Adams
(2003) and Do the Humanities Make Us Humane? (2004). He is currently
working on two books: the first is tentatively titled God and Education;
the second, not yet titled, explores the intersection of the humanities, moral
education, and liberal education.
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